Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mie Tek-Tek & Tahu Telur - Indonesian Food

Dang, once again I had to go that Thai/Indonesian restaurant down the street from me. Can't complain with quick, easy & close-by when you're hungry. I ordered the Bakmie Ayam Bakso chicken soup like I normally do but I think they gave me Mie Tek-Tek (see left side of pic) by mistake. I was really hoping for soup but I ain't mad at 'em because I got to try something new. It was a plate of all kinds of good stuff: noodles, chicken, egg, veggies, garlic, shrimp chips, etc. I also got Tahu Telur, which is like scrambled egg, tofu, sprouts and peanut sauce. If you're cringing in disbelief right now, that combination actually sounded good to me. How do they get the eggs so fluffy & irresistable? Well, I went Sunday and still had leftovers for Monday. Ahhh, thinking about their food, I may go again tonight. Yummers.

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